New to The Crossing Church

Welcome! We're glad you decided to check us out. 

We are a non-denominational fellowship of believers where everyone is welcome to worship - no matter your appearance, previous church experience, or current situation. 

Our church is a hospital for the broken and not a country club for the faithful. Whether you've been raised in church and known Jesus Christ ever since you were a child or you've never set foot in a church before, you will find The Crossing to be a welcoming place. 

Here is some information that may help answer your questions so that you can feel right at home when you first arrive.

Frequent Questions and Links

If you are coming to us for the first time or this is your 100th visit, we want to say Welcome. 

We are so glad you are joining us. 

Here is some information to help answer some questions about our church and services.

When are your Services?

Our Sunday Services are at 9:00AM and 11:15AM  

We also have Wednesday Night Service 6:30PM

You can watch our Sunday service online on Facebook and You Tube. Below are links to those sights.

Facebook Page

You Tube Channel

What should I wear?

Our members and regular attendees typically dress comfortably and casually. You may see people wearing suits and ties or dresses and others wearing shorts and t-shirts. Come however you feel comfortable and allow you to step into his presence.

Where should I park?

You are welcome to park anywhere that you can find a spot. We try to encourage our members to leave the spaces next to the building open for our guests. Sometimes they do fill up though. If that is the case, feel free to park in the parking lot across Douglas Dam Rd. We have members of our safety team there to help you cross the street and to guide you in the right direction.

Where do I go then?

After parking, come on in the main doors and someone should be there to greet you. Then you can find a seat and get ready for the service to start. You can sit anywhere you like. If it's your first time, you can fill out a connect card and give it to Guest Services so we can connect with you.

Do you have a Children's Ministry?

If you have kids, you might prefer to come to the Fellowship Hall Entrance. The check-in for the kids church will be just to your right once you come in. After getting your kids checked in (so we know who to give them back to afterwards), head back down the hall past where you came in and you'll end up in the sanctuary. From there, just find a seat and enjoy the service.

You can learn more about the Children’s Ministry by clicking here

Do you have Youth/Teen Ministry

Yes, Impact youth (6 to 12th Grade) meet each Wednesday at 6:30p

And Youth SUnday School at 10:15a.

For more information about IMPACT Youth by clicking here.

What happens in the service?

In a typical service, our praise band leads our worship.  The lyrics will appear on the screens for you to follow along.  We encourage you to stand up and worship with us.  And then following our music our Lead Pastor Kermit McPeek, or an Associate Pastor, will share a spirit filled message.  Please remember to silence your phones, and of course while you're doing that be sure to check in and share today's message on facebook .  We ask that if you need to get up during the service please use the door to the back of the sanctuary.  We pray that The Crossing Church experience fills your heart with encouragement and leaves you wanting more.  We are so glad you are here and hope you make this your Sunday Morning home each week.

Connect with Us.

Please take a moment to fill out a Connect Card so we can do exactly that...connect to you.  You can use this card to sign up for events, start the process to join our church or even to simply give a prayer request.  These Connect cards are in the seat back in front of you as you sit in the sanctuary, or also online with the Church Center App.

Click here to fill out a connect card

What kind of music do you have?

Our music includes a wide variety of styles and genres.  We like songs from old Hymns, to Southern Gospel, to modern Praise and Worship and everything in between.  Sometimes we have services that focus on a specific music style, but most of the time our services include a variety of styles.  We're sure that no matter what type of praise music you prefer, that you will hear it at The Crossing.

What happens after the service?

We would love to have you join us again the following week (and the week after that, and the week after that, and so on). If you filled out a Connect Card, we may reach out to you to see how you enjoyed our service.  We also encourage you to check us out on Facebook, Youtube, and other social media outlets.

Where are the restrooms?

The restrooms are located at the back of the sanctuary,  down the hall outside of the fellowship hall (kids church area) and also down stairs. 

Want to learn more about The Crossing CHurch?   click here.

Section Title

If you are coming to us for the first time or this is your 100th visit, 

we want to say Welcome. We are so glad you are joining us. 

Here is some information to help answer some questions about our church and services.

When are your Services?

Our Sunday Services are at 9:00AM and 11:15AM  

We also have Wednesday Night Service 6:30PM

You can watch our Sunday service online on Facebook and You Tube. Below are links to those sights.

Facebook Page

You Tube Channel

What should I wear?

Our members and regular attendees typically dress comfortably and casually. You may see people wearing suits and ties or dresses and others wearing shorts and t-shirts. Come however you feel comfortable and allow you to step into his presence.

Where should I park?

You are welcome to park anywhere that you can find a spot. We try to encourage our members to leave the spaces next to the building open for our guests. Sometimes they do fill up though. If that is the case, feel free to park in the parking lot across Douglas Dam Rd. We have members of our safety team there to help you cross the street and to guide you in the right direction.

Where do I go then?

After parking, come join us in the santruary. If you have children, they may want to join the Crossing Kidz in the Fellowship Hall.  Stop there first to get them checked in and meet the Kidz Crew.

Then you can find a seat and get ready for the service to start. You can sit anywhere you like. 

If it's your first time, fill out a connect card so we can connect with you. And be sure to grab a welcome bag, in there you will find information about our church.

Please Note, if you arrive after the service starts, everyone then enters through the family room. This entrance goes into a room that joins the sanctuary. You can also sit there if you would like and watch the service on the screen.

Do you have a Children's Ministry?

Yes we do and you can learn more by visiting their ministry section of our website. 

For information about Children’s Ministry (Infant to 6th Grade) clicking here

For more information about IMPACT Youth (7th to 12th Grade) clicking here

What happens in the service?

In a typical service, we begin with a welcome from our Director of Guest Services, Todd Heptinstall. Each week he shares a little about the church, or an announcement of a event or most of the time he will share a story about something that has happened in his life, or he and Pastor Kermit often have fun during this time when Todd tends to take things to the extreme. You just never know what will happen, and we never know what he will be doing or wearing or even sometimes singing. But his goal is to make you feel comfortable and take your mind off the world outside and ready for worship and the word, and he does this often by making you laugh and frequently providing motivation or biblical connections.  

We then move into worship. Our praise band leads takes over and generally through 3 songs provides a place for the congregation to actively participate in expressing praise, adoration, and reverence toward God through elements like song and music.  The lyrics will appear on the screen for you to follow along.  We encourage you to stand up and worship with us. 

Following worship, our Lead Pastor Kermit McPeek will share a spirit filled message.  Typically we are teaching in a verse by verse manner. You can easily watch the previous weeks message, and know where we will be the followship if we continue in the series. You will often see the phase "Eyes on Him" used at our church. This is mantra of our Pastor. The primary focus of his sermons, leadership style and message to anyone seeking guidance is just that, keeping our Eyes on Him. When our focus is on Jesus in all parts of our life, our relationship grows stronger with God. 

Please remember to silence your phones, and of course while you're doing that be sure to check in and share today's message on Facebook .  We ask that if you need to get up during the service please use the door to the back of the sanctuary.  We pray that The Crossing Church experience fills your heart with encouragement and leaves you wanting more.  We are so glad you are here and hope you make this your Sunday Morning home each week.

Connect with Us.

Please take a moment to fill out a Connect Card so we can do exactly that...connect to you.  You can use this card to sign up for events, start the process to join our church or even to simply give a prayer request.  These Connect cards are in the seat back in front of you as you sit in the sanctuary, or also online with the Church Center App.

Click here to fill out a connect card

What kind of music do you have?

Our music includes a wide variety of styles and genres.  We like songs from old Hymns, to Southern Gospel, to modern Praise and Worship and everything in between.  Sometimes we have services that focus on a specific music style, but most of the time our services include a variety of styles.  We're sure that no matter what type of praise music you prefer, that you will hear it at The Crossing.

What happens after the service?

We would love to have you join us again the following week (and the week after that, and the week after that, and so on). If you filled out a Connect Card, we may reach out to you to see how you enjoyed our service.  We also encourage you to check us out on Facebook, Youtube, and other social media outlets.

Where are the restrooms?

The restrooms are located at the back of the sanctuary,  down the hall outside of the fellowship hall (kids church area) and also down stairs. 

Want to learn more about The Crossing CHurch?   click here.