The Race - Men's Ministry

The Race is a men's ministry of The Crossing Church in Kodak, TN.  Our focus is discipling men in spiritual growth and leadership in our families, church, and society.

We generally meet each month on the 3rd Saturday. 

Recent Devotional

Monday, July 22, 2024

Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!
                        1 Corinthians 9:24

The Race of Life Pt. 2
As we progress in our own race of faith and are being transformed into the image of Christ, we become increasingly aware of those around us who are also navigating their own spiritual paths and their profound need to hear the life-saving message of the Gospel. While we train ourselves to discern whether the influences around us guide us towards or away from Christ, others are endeavoring to do the same in their own race.

In this second leg of The Race of Life, we become influential voices in the lives of others. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 9, declared that he became all things to all people to win some to Christ. He recognized his role in their spiritual race and strove to be the voice of truth that could cut through other distractions and lead them to salvation. Paul trained rigorously, disciplined himself, studied the Word, and allowed the Spirit to guide his speech—what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. His approach was so refined that he claimed to run with only the intent of winning and fought with precision, not like someone merely shadowboxing.

When we encounter others, whether fleetingly or for a lifetime, we should avoid immediately overwhelming them with fire-and-brimstone sermons. Instead, we should seek to establish a friendly conversation, finding common ground, as we all share some commonality. There may or may not be an opportunity to share the Gospel directly; sometimes, God may place us in someone's path simply to provide a moment of kindness and encouragement. Additionally, we might forge a new friendship, allowing us to invest in their lives with the richness of the Kingdom.

People around us everywhere need the message of forgiveness. If we believe in the reality of hell to be avoided and heaven to be gained, we must seriously consider how to help those slipping into eternity to be prepared by being washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Who in your life is depending on you to be the voice of God? Are you disciplining yourself and training to be the voice that rises above the rest and guides them in their race?  Has God been prompting you to share his Good News of salvation with someone?  It’s time!!

Monday July 15, 2024

The Race of Life
The Race of life is a dual event, with both legs run simultaneously during our time here on earth. Hebrews 12 depicts it as an internal race of faith, while 1 Corinthians 9 presents it as an external race of proclaiming the gospel to others in their race. This dual theme of inward and outward is evident from Genesis to Revelation and is rooted in what Christ identified as the greatest commandments: love God with all your being, and love your neighbor as yourself.

The very concept of a race implies multiple participants. The inward race of faith described in Hebrews 12 signifies our personal journey, where our competitors are the voices of influence in our lives—those who either encourage us to keep our eyes on the finish line, on Jesus himself, or distract us from that goal.

In a large race, the crowd quickly disperses, and you find yourself running with a group that will likely stay together until the end. Similarly, in life, various influences will come and go, capturing our attention or passing by unnoticed. If we keep our eyes steadfastly on Jesus, the voices that seek to divert us will be ignored. However, if we become preoccupied with life's difficulties, the allure of power and greed, or the enticements of sin, we will stumble and fall.

But even when our faith wavers, the race continues, and Jesus remains the ultimate goal. A righteous man may stumble and fall, but he will rise again every time and press on towards the finish line of being formed into the image of Christ.

What are the influences in your life? Who or what encourages you to stay focused on Jesus? What tries to divert you from the race?

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