The Race - Men's Ministry

The Race is a men's ministry of The Crossing Church in Kodak, TN.  Our focus is discipling men in spiritual growth and leadership in our families, church, and society.

Led by Jeff Kiser

We generally meet each month on the 3rd Saturday. 

Recent Devotional

Monday August 19, 2024

Built By God

Except the LORD build the house, they labor in vain that build it.

                                        Psalms 127:1

In his appeal for prayer to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Benjamin Franklin declared to the men shaping our nation, “The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth—that God governs in the affairs of men.” He further observed that “Without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel.”

Similarly, Gamaliel, known for  his knowledge and wisdom in the courts of Jerusalem, advised the Sanhedrin concerning the early Christian movement. He counseled that if God was not behind it, it would fail, but if He was, they would not be able to stop it and would find themselves opposing God Himself.

In every aspect of life—whether we are building our personal lives, our homes, our churches, or our government—we are entirely dependent on God for success. Are we fully committed to God and seeking His guidance in our lives? Does God reign in our homes, and are we raising our children to love Him? Do our churches bear the fruit of the Word of God being faithfully preached? Does our government reflect the principles of freedom, justice, peace, and mercy as set forth in the Bible?

God’s Word illuminates every step of our path, and His Spirit whispers to us to turn this way or that. If we neglect the tools, materials, and blueprints He has provided, any house we attempt to build will resemble the one Jesus described as being built on sand.  It will surely fall, and great will be the fall of it!

However, if the Lord is indeed the architect of our endeavors, they will endure, bear godly fruit, and minister to others.  They will glorify Him and stand as a testament of faith in His power to fulfill what He has placed in our hearts, despite any opposition from the enemy.

Is your very next step guided by the light of God's Word, or are you relying on your own understanding? What tools has He provided for you to become a master builder? Are you following His blueprint for what you seek to build, or are you merely asking Him to bless the plan you’ve already devised

Monday August 12, 2024

To Live Is Christ

For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

                    Philippians 1:21

I hate to admit it, but there are times when I just get so tired. I get tired of living in this world, tired of the pervasive evil that surrounds me, tired of the relentless struggle, tired even of the sin within my own nature and the daily burden of bearing my cross and dying to self. Were it not for the Lord’s renewal and strength, I would be utterly overwhelmed. Yet, despite His sustaining grace, it still is wearisome.

At times, it seems as though every trace of beauty in this world is marred by the stain of corruption and the overwhelming presence of wickedness. Everything good that God has made is hated by so many. This too is a source of weariness.

There are moments when I yearn to go home, to that place where nothing vile exists. Or I find myself longing for the Lord to hasten His return, so that we might all go home together. I want that.

But then, I’m reminded of the faces of my loved ones and friends who are not yet prepared for either their last day or His return. I remember the place that was prepared for the devil and his angels, and the thought of my loved ones being consigned there, never to be seen again, unless...

And so, I find that my longing to remain outweighs my longing to depart, so that perhaps, in some way, I might be able to plant the seed of truth in their lives, or maybe water one that has already been sown. My remaining here means I can pray for them still, and I can strive to live out a Christian life before them. I long to stay so that I might lead them to the Savior, and then, on that glorious day when we all finally do go home, they will be with me. I find myself reaching for heaven, and at the same time reaching back for them.

Whose are the faces that came to mind as you read this? Take a moment and bring them before the Lord. Ask him to give you the opportunity one more time to share the gospel with them. Ask him to save them.

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Image Of Christ

For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son…

                    Romans 8:29

In his seminal work, "Maximized Manhood," Ed Cole famously declared that “Manhood and Christlikeness are synonymous.” This concept is a driving force throughout our Christian journey, and emphasizes the transformative process of being molded into the likeness of Christ.

Men harbor various conceptions of what it truly means to be a man. We assimilate information and develop opinions and habits from the men who surround us, primarily during our formative years, but indeed throughout our entire lives. Our character is shaped by the personas of those who exert the greatest influence on us, whether for better or worse, and whether we realize it or not.

Consider the men in your life who have most profoundly influenced your development—fathers, pastors, coaches, teachers. It’s men in positions of authority and leadership that typically leave the most significant impressions. We aspire to emulate their toughness, shrewdness, skill, or charisma. We want to be like them.

Then one day, we encounter Jesus. He presents an enigma. His character defies our preconceived notions of manhood, yet it resonates deeply within us. We realize that we are called not merely to imitate Him but to BECOME like Him.

Our ultimate destiny is to embody Christ in all facets of our being. We will never reach the fullness of manhood until we allow Him to transform us into a new creation. Christ represents the pinnacle of what a man ought to be.

What are your definitions of manhood? How do they align with the character of Christ? What must you permit the Lord to accomplish in your life to become a "maximized" man, fashioned in the image of the Son of God?

Monday July 29, 2024

The Buck Stops With You

And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?

                   Genesis 3:9

President Harry S. Truman famously displayed a sign on his desk that read, "The Buck Stops Here." It signified that ultimate accountability for the actions of the United States government rested with him. As the President, he bore the ultimate responsibility for the affairs of his administration.

Similarly, in the divine structure of roles within our families and society, God has entrusted men with the responsibility for their well-being. He holds us primarily accountable. This responsibility is not a matter of equality with women; indeed, scripture clearly states that men and women are equal and co-heirs of the grace of life.

In the biblical narrative, it was Eve who was deceived and subsequently led Adam into sin. Nevertheless, when God sought an account, He called upon Adam, not Eve, emphasizing the responsibility placed upon men. Throughout scripture, it is repeatedly illustrated that men bear the responsibility for raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, and for loving their wives as Christ loves the church. It is our spiritual duty to lead our families in godliness and to exemplify the character of God..

You have been appointed as the leader of your family, and you bear the ultimate responsibility for their welfare. Whatever your current situation may be, take ownership of your life and your family’s well-being. Seek God’s forgiveness for any past shortcomings, as we all falter, and begin anew from where you are, walking the paths of righteousness. Remember, the buck stops with you.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!
                        1 Corinthians 9:24

The Race of Life Pt. 2
As we progress in our own race of faith and are being transformed into the image of Christ, we become increasingly aware of those around us who are also navigating their own spiritual paths and their profound need to hear the life-saving message of the Gospel. While we train ourselves to discern whether the influences around us guide us towards or away from Christ, others are endeavoring to do the same in their own race.

In this second leg of The Race of Life, we become influential voices in the lives of others. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 9, declared that he became all things to all people to win some to Christ. He recognized his role in their spiritual race and strove to be the voice of truth that could cut through other distractions and lead them to salvation. Paul trained rigorously, disciplined himself, studied the Word, and allowed the Spirit to guide his speech—what to say, when to say it, and how to say it. His approach was so refined that he claimed to run with only the intent of winning and fought with precision, not like someone merely shadowboxing.

When we encounter others, whether fleetingly or for a lifetime, we should avoid immediately overwhelming them with fire-and-brimstone sermons. Instead, we should seek to establish a friendly conversation, finding common ground, as we all share some commonality. There may or may not be an opportunity to share the Gospel directly; sometimes, God may place us in someone's path simply to provide a moment of kindness and encouragement. Additionally, we might forge a new friendship, allowing us to invest in their lives with the richness of the Kingdom.

People around us everywhere need the message of forgiveness. If we believe in the reality of hell to be avoided and heaven to be gained, we must seriously consider how to help those slipping into eternity to be prepared by being washed in the blood of the Lamb.

Who in your life is depending on you to be the voice of God? Are you disciplining yourself and training to be the voice that rises above the rest and guides them in their race?  Has God been prompting you to share his Good News of salvation with someone?  It’s time!!

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